
AGROVOC topic map

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"EN" term list ( 38001-39000 / 40819 terms )
  1. anatomy
  2. anatoxins
  3. ancillary enterprises
  4. androgens
  5. anesthesia
  6. aneuploidy
  7. angiospermae
  8. angiosperms
  9. animal domestication
  10. animal embryos
  11. animal genetics
  12. animal growth promoters
  13. animal hospitals
  14. animal husbandry methods
  15. animal morphology
  16. animal needs
  17. animal nutrition
  18. animal offspring
  19. animal power
  20. animal structure
  21. animal testing alternatives
  22. animal welfare
  23. animals
  24. anoxia
  25. antheraxanthin
  26. anthropogenic factors
  27. antibiotics
  28. antitussive agents
  29. aorta
  30. aphids
  31. aphis spiraecola
  32. apiculture
  33. apoptosis
  34. apple pear
  35. apple snails
  36. application
  37. application ontology
  38. application rates
  39. approaches
  40. aprono
  41. aquaculture
  42. aquaculture statistics
  43. aquaponics
  44. aquatic animals
  45. arable farming
  46. arable land
  47. arboricides
  48. arboviruses
  49. area
  50. areas
  51. areca palm
  52. areng palm
  53. arenga palm
  54. argan
  55. ark shells
  56. armed conflicts
  57. aroids
  58. arrowroot (plant)
  59. arrowroot starch
  60. arsenates
  61. arsenites
  62. arthropod-borne viruses
  63. arthropods
  64. artificial lakes
  65. artificial products
  66. artificial satellites
  67. artificial selection
  68. ascorbyl palmitate
  69. ash (tree)
  70. asphixia
  71. asphyxia
  72. assemblies
  73. assessment
  74. assortative mating
  75. assortative pairing
  76. asterales
  77. asymptomatic carrier state
  78. atmospheric deposition
  79. atmospheric emissions
  80. attractants
  81. audiovisual aids
  82. augers
  83. auks
  84. authorities
  85. authority file
  86. autonomous organizations
  87. autosomes
  88. autumn olive
  89. available days
  90. avaram
  91. avian influenza
  92. aviation
  93. aviculture
  94. ayahuasca
  95. azarole
  96. babesicidal drugs
  97. backfat thickness
  98. backyard farming
  99. bacterial proteins
  100. bacterins
  101. bael
  102. baits
  103. balance of nature
  104. balance of payments
  105. bald cypress
  106. baldcypress
  107. bale collectors
  108. bale loaders
  109. balsa
  110. balsam (plant)
  111. balsam fir
  112. bangers (scares)
  113. bankruptcy
  114. bar associations
  115. bare fallow
  116. bark beetles (platypodidae)
  117. barking
  118. barnyard millet
  119. barren strawberry
  120. basic needs
  121. basic services
  122. basket planting
  123. bats
  124. batters
  125. bay laurel
  126. beach strawberry
  127. bean-caper
  128. beard tongue
  129. beardtongue
  130. bears
  131. beautyberry
  132. beavers
  133. bee broods
  134. bee colonies
  135. bee culture
  136. bee keeping
  137. bee larvae
  138. bee venoms
  139. beekeepers' associations
  140. beet lifters
  141. beggar weeds
  142. begoniaceae
  143. behavior
  144. behavioral science
  145. behavioural sciences
  146. belladonna
  147. bench terraces
  148. bentgrass
  149. berries (botanical)
  150. best practices
  151. betel palm
  152. bigleaf maple
  153. bignay
  154. bilimbi
  155. biochemical engineering
  156. biochemical processes
  157. biochemistry
  158. bioconversion
  159. biogeochemical cycle
  160. biological pest control
  161. biological development
  162. biological differences
  163. biological interaction
  164. biological phenomena
  165. biological processes
  166. biological properties
  167. biological treatment of pollutants
  168. biologists
  169. biology
  170. biomass
  171. bioprospecting
  172. biosystematics
  173. biota
  174. biotic stress
  175. birch
  176. bird cherry (tree)
  177. bird culture
  178. bird keeping
  179. birdkeeping
  180. birds
  181. birdsfoot trefoil
  182. birthworts
  183. bitter gourd
  184. bitter principles
  185. bitterbrush
  186. bitumen
  187. black cherry
  188. black chokeberry
  189. black currant (plant)
  190. black fiber palm
  191. black largemouth bass
  192. black locust
  193. black medic
  194. black mustard
  195. black mustard (plant)
  196. black pepper (plant)
  197. black raspberry
  198. black spruce
  199. black velvet beans
  200. black zedoary
  201. block clubs
  202. blood
  203. blood groups
  204. blood ph
  205. blue gum (tree)
  206. blue panic (grass)
  207. blue sisal
  208. blue spruce
  209. bluegrass (poa)
  210. boards (organizations)
  211. bodies
  212. body condition
  213. body measurements
  214. bonded work
  215. boraginales
  216. boree
  217. bottle gourd
  218. brabicon beans
  219. branches (enterprises)
  220. brandies
  221. brandy
  222. brassinolide
  223. breadfruit tree
  224. breadnut
  225. breeders associations
  226. breeding
  227. breeding methods
  228. breeding value
  229. bridle paths
  230. brigades
  231. bristle tails
  232. broadleaved maple
  233. broccoli (plant)
  234. bryophytes
  235. buck bean
  236. bucket elevators
  237. buckeyes
  238. budgerigars
  239. budgets
  240. buffalo gourd
  241. buffers
  242. bugs
  243. bullock's heart
  244. bulrush
  245. bumble bees
  246. bumblebees
  247. bureaucracies
  248. bureaucracy
  249. bureaux
  250. burnet
  251. bushmeat
  252. business associations
  253. business enterprises
  254. butterflies
  255. butyric acid bacteria
  256. buxales
  257. caapi
  258. cabbage (plant)
  259. cabbage palmetto
  260. cacti
  261. caddis flies
  262. caecotrophy
  263. calbindin
  264. calceolariaceae
  265. calculation
  266. calculators
  267. calopo
  268. calpain
  269. caltrop
  270. canals
  271. canine scabies
  272. cannabidaceae
  273. cantala
  274. canteen meals
  275. capers (plant)
  276. capital formation
  277. capital leasing
  278. capitulum
  279. caponizing
  280. captivity
  281. captofol
  282. capture fisheries
  283. capture of animals
  284. carambola
  285. carbon dioxide detectors
  286. carbon dioxide enrichment
  287. carbon substitution
  288. carbonic acid
  289. carburettors
  290. cardiolipins
  291. cardiomyopathy
  292. cardoons
  293. carob tree
  294. carpet grass
  295. carrier state
  296. carry out foods
  297. carrying capacity
  298. cartels
  299. cartography
  300. case studies
  301. cashew (tree)
  302. caste systems
  303. castration
  304. catalysis
  305. catch composition
  306. cathepsins
  307. cauliflower (plant)
  308. ceilings
  309. cell components
  310. cell cycle
  311. cell division
  312. cell membranes
  313. cell physiology
  314. cell structure
  315. cell ultrastructure
  316. cell walls
  317. cells
  318. centres
  319. ceramics
  320. cerebrocortical necrosis
  321. chain saws
  322. chainsaws
  323. chambers of agriculture
  324. champagnization
  325. channel millet
  326. chanterelles
  327. charitable organizations
  328. charities
  329. charity organizations
  330. charophyta
  331. chaya
  332. checker tree
  333. cheetahs
  334. chemical pest control
  335. chemical barking
  336. chemical decontamination
  337. chemical phenomena
  338. chemical reactions
  339. chemical structure
  340. chemical substances
  341. chemicals
  342. chemicophysical properties
  343. chemoreceptors
  344. chemosensitivity
  345. chemosystematics
  346. chemotaxonomy
  347. chequer tree
  348. cherry laurel
  349. cherry plum
  350. chervil
  351. chestnut (tree)
  352. chigger mites
  353. child care
  354. child development
  355. child nurseries
  356. chilicote
  357. chimaeras
  358. chives
  359. chloranthaceae
  360. chlorination
  361. chlorophyta
  362. chloroplasts
  363. chocolate tree
  364. chokeberries
  365. cholecystokinin
  366. chopping
  367. chromosome aberrations
  368. chromosome banding
  369. chromosome manipulation
  370. chromosome mapping
  371. chromosome number
  372. chromosome translocation
  373. chromosomes
  374. chub mackerel
  375. chufa
  376. chum salmon
  377. ciclosporin
  378. cigarette beetle
  379. cimarrona
  380. cinematography
  381. cinquefoil
  382. citizenship
  383. citronella grass
  384. civets
  385. civic organizations
  386. civil law associations
  387. civil service
  388. civil societies
  389. class (taxa)
  390. classification
  391. classification systems
  392. clearing houses
  393. clearinghouses
  394. clegs
  395. client-oriented extension
  396. cliff rose
  397. climate
  398. climatic factors
  399. climatic requirements
  400. climatic zones
  401. cloning
  402. cloudberry
  403. clove tree
  404. clover
  405. co-management
  406. coaching
  407. coalitions
  408. coastal strawberry
  409. coat proteins
  410. cocksfoot
  411. cocoa tree
  412. cocobolo
  413. cocona
  414. coconut palm
  415. codons
  416. coffee (plant)
  417. cognac
  418. cold chain
  419. coliform bacteria
  420. collapse
  421. collecting ditches
  422. collection
  423. collective farming
  424. collective farms
  425. collectivism
  426. colloidal state
  427. colonizing ability
  428. columbines
  429. comanagement
  430. commercialization
  431. comminution
  432. commissions
  433. common apricot tree
  434. common blackberry
  435. common fir
  436. common foxglove
  437. common hawthorn
  438. common heather
  439. common hogweed
  440. common purslane
  441. common sawflies
  442. common silver fir
  443. common vetch
  444. common water hyacinth
  445. common wild plum
  446. common yew
  447. communal forests
  448. communes
  449. communication technology
  450. communities
  451. community based organizations
  452. community management
  453. community organizations
  454. community services
  455. competitive ELISA
  456. components
  457. composition
  458. compressibility
  459. compulsory labour
  460. compulsory purchase of land
  461. computer applications
  462. concanavalin A
  463. concept map
  464. confederations
  465. conferences
  466. confiscation
  467. congresses
  468. conidia
  469. conifers
  470. conservation (storage)
  471. conserving water
  472. consortia
  473. constraints
  474. constructed wetlands
  475. consultancies
  476. consumer organizations
  477. consumer protection
  478. consumers
  479. container transport
  480. continents
  481. contracting authorities
  482. control methods
  483. control systems
  484. conventional farming
  485. conventions
  486. conveyers
  487. conveyors
  488. cooking methods
  489. coolers
  490. cooperative activities
  491. cooperative bargaining
  492. cooperative marketing
  493. coordination
  494. coriander
  495. coriariaceae
  496. corossol
  497. corporate culture
  498. cortisol
  499. cosmids
  500. costs
  501. costus
  502. cotton (plant)
  503. cough suppressants
  504. cough suppressats
  505. councils
  506. countries
  507. country clubs
  508. cow parsnip
  509. cowpea witchweed
  510. cranes
  511. crankshafts
  512. credit
  513. credit control
  514. crocodiles
  515. crop forecasting
  516. cropping systems
  517. cross cutting
  518. crows
  519. crumbling
  520. cruriraja triangularis
  521. crushing
  522. cuachilote
  523. cucumber (plant)
  524. cucurbitaceae
  525. cucurbitales
  526. cull
  527. culling
  528. cultivation systems
  529. cultural pest control
  530. cultural methods
  531. cultural organizations
  532. culture media
  533. curriculum
  534. cush-cush yam
  535. custard apples
  536. cutting back
  537. cuttings
  538. cycadales
  539. cycadopsida
  540. cycads
  541. cycling
  542. cyclone combustors
  543. cymodoceaceae
  544. cytogenetics
  545. cytologists
  546. cytology
  547. cytoplasm
  548. cytotaxonomy
  549. daffodils
  550. dairy detergents
  551. damsel flies
  552. damselflies
  553. data
  554. data collection
  555. data gathering
  556. data management
  557. daughters
  558. daylilies
  559. deadly nightshade
  560. debt
  561. decentralization
  562. decision support
  563. decision support systems
  564. declarations
  565. deer
  566. deer flies
  567. dehydroepiandrosterone
  568. delimbing
  569. demand
  570. democracy
  571. departments
  572. desert Indianwheat
  573. design
  574. designation of origin
  575. desoxycortone
  576. destructive distillation of wood
  577. determination of species
  578. development
  579. development indicators
  580. development organizations
  581. development research
  582. developmental stages
  583. diagnosis
  584. diagnosis and recommendation integrated system
  585. diaveridine
  586. dibbling
  587. dichapetalaceae
  588. dicots
  589. dicotyledons
  590. dictatorship
  591. dictionary
  592. dieback
  593. diet
  594. diffraction
  595. diffusion of information
  596. diffusion of research
  597. digesta
  598. dihaploidy
  599. dipeptides
  600. diploidy
  601. dips
  602. direct ELISA
  603. direction finding
  604. disaccharides
  605. disaster preparedness
  606. disaster relief
  607. disease control methods
  608. disease management
  609. disease recognition
  610. disease tolerance
  611. disease treatment
  612. diseases
  613. disequilibrium (genetic)
  614. disinfection
  615. disinfestation of living organism
  616. disorders
  617. distribution systems
  618. division (taxa)
  619. divisions
  620. dodder
  621. dolphins
  622. domain (taxa)
  623. domain ontology
  624. dominant genes
  625. dosage effects
  626. downy cherry
  627. doxorubicin
  628. dragon flies
  629. dragonflies
  630. drainage
  631. drainage canals
  632. drainage systems
  633. drift nets
  634. drinking water systems
  635. drip line placement
  636. drone honey bees
  637. drones
  638. drugs
  639. drugstore beetle
  640. drumstick tree
  641. drumsticks
  642. drupe
  643. dry pruning
  644. drying oils
  645. durians
  646. dwarf koa
  647. dwarfs
  648. dye markers
  649. e-commerce
  650. e-trade
  651. early selection
  652. early warning systems
  653. earth worms
  654. earthworms
  655. eating
  656. ecdysones
  657. ecological control
  658. ecological succession
  659. ecology
  660. economic activities
  661. economic competition
  662. economic crises
  663. economic distribution
  664. economic environment
  665. economic integration
  666. economic interest groups
  667. economic phenomena
  668. economic sectors
  669. economic situation
  670. economic structure
  671. economic systems
  672. economic value
  673. economics
  674. economists
  675. ecosystem approaches
  676. ecosystems
  677. ecotones
  678. education
  679. education systems
  680. educational associations
  681. educational courses
  682. educational needs
  683. educational resources
  684. educational systems
  685. egg characters
  686. egg hatchability
  687. egg industry
  688. egg shell
  689. egg shell membranes
  690. eggplant
  691. ejidos
  692. elderly
  693. electrification
  694. electroacupuncture
  695. electronic commerce
  696. electroporation
  697. elephant yam
  698. elettaria
  699. embryo sexing
  700. embryobionta
  701. embryonic structures
  702. embryophytes
  703. embryos (animal)
  704. embryos (plant)
  705. empire (taxa)
  706. employee associations
  707. employees' associations
  708. employers organizations
  709. employers' organizations
  710. endocarp
  711. energy
  712. energy exchange
  713. energy expenditure
  714. energy generation
  715. energy sources
  716. engineering
  717. engineers
  718. enterprises
  719. entities
  720. entrepreneurship
  721. environment
  722. environmental control
  723. environmental economics
  724. environmental engineering
  725. environmental factors
  726. environmental management
  727. environmental organizations
  728. environmental protection
  729. epacridaceae
  730. epicarp
  731. epoxy compounds
  732. equipment characteristics
  733. equipment performance
  734. ericaceae
  735. erosion control
  736. eucaryotic cells
  737. euchromatin
  738. eukarya
  739. eukaryotes
  740. eukaryotic cells
  741. evaluation
  742. events
  743. evolution
  744. ex-ante impact assessment
  745. exchange rate
  746. exclusive economic zones
  747. executive agencies
  748. exocarp
  749. exons
  750. expenditure
  751. experimentation
  752. explosives
  753. expropriation
  754. extension activities
  755. extension approaches
  756. extension programmes
  757. extension strategies
  758. extractors
  759. factors
  760. factory ships
  761. faecal flora
  762. faeces
  763. fallow
  764. false indigo
  765. family (taxa)
  766. family budget
  767. family planning
  768. farm budgets
  769. farm closures
  770. farm corporations
  771. farm indebtedness
  772. farm inputs
  773. farm results
  774. farmer field schools
  775. farmer's lung
  776. farmers
  777. farming systems
  778. farmland
  779. farms
  780. fast food
  781. fats
  782. feasibility studies
  783. features
  784. federalism
  785. federations
  786. feed composition
  787. feed formulations
  788. feed requirements
  789. feeding
  790. feeding systems
  791. feeds
  792. feldspar
  793. felling areas
  794. felspar
  795. female plants
  796. females
  797. fennel
  798. fertilizer pesticide combinations
  799. fertilizers
  800. fever
  801. fibres
  802. field offices
  803. field preparation
  804. fighting animals
  805. figworts
  806. film (packaging)
  807. films
  808. finance
  809. financial situation
  810. financing
  811. fire causes
  812. fire control
  813. firemen
  814. firethorn
  815. firs
  816. first aid
  817. firsz
  818. fish handling
  819. fish hatcheries
  820. fish inspection
  821. fish unloading
  822. fisheries
  823. fishermen
  824. fishery communities
  825. fishery cooperatives
  826. fishery economics
  827. fishery organizations
  828. fishery statistics
  829. fishes
  830. fishing
  831. fishing areas
  832. fishing baits
  833. fishing communities
  834. fishing effort
  835. fishing methods
  836. fishing operations
  837. five-fingers (plant)
  838. flaking
  839. flash pasteurization
  840. flat pea
  841. flavoring
  842. flavoring agents
  843. flavorings
  844. flavouring agents
  845. fleas
  846. flies (unspecified)
  847. flowering plants
  848. flowering quince
  849. fluid therapy
  850. fluidized bed combustors
  851. fluidized bed reactors
  852. flukes (helminths)
  853. flying foxes
  854. foaming
  855. fodder
  856. foils
  857. foliage
  858. foliar nutrition
  859. folic acid antagonists
  860. food
  861. food composition
  862. food enrichment
  863. food fortification
  864. food handling
  865. food insecurity
  866. food inspection
  867. food irradiation
  868. food requirements
  869. food science
  870. food security
  871. food service
  872. food storage
  873. food supplementation
  874. food supplements
  875. food traceability
  876. foodborne diseases
  877. foods
  878. for profit organizations
  879. forage
  880. forced sale
  881. forest cover
  882. forest decline
  883. forest dieback
  884. forest fire management
  885. forest health
  886. forest pathology
  887. forest range
  888. forest regulations
  889. forest tree nurseries
  890. forest trees
  891. forest user groups
  892. foresters
  893. forestry
  894. forestry economics
  895. forestry operations
  896. forestry practices
  897. forests
  898. fork lifts
  899. formalin
  900. formulations
  901. forums
  902. foundations
  903. fowl plague
  904. fowlpox virus
  905. frameworks
  906. freedom of association
  907. freshwater eels
  908. frit flies
  909. fritillaries (plant)
  910. frost protection
  911. frozen storage
  912. fruit bats
  913. fruit drop
  914. fuels
  915. full time workers
  916. fumigants
  917. function testing (diagnosis)
  918. fund
  919. funding
  920. fungi
  921. fungicides
  922. furazolidone
  923. furocoumarins
  924. gadflies
  925. galactosamine
  926. game fishes
  927. gandaria
  928. gannets
  929. garden angelica
  930. garden cress
  931. garden nasturtium
  932. garden orache
  933. garden strawberry
  934. gardens
  935. garlic
  936. gastric acid
  937. gathering
  938. gazetteer
  939. gelding
  940. geldings
  941. gender
  942. gene banks
  943. gene cloning
  944. gene dosage
  945. gene dose
  946. gene duplication
  947. gene expression
  948. gene flow
  949. gene frequency
  950. gene inhibitors
  951. gene interaction
  952. gene location
  953. gene manipulation
  954. gene mapping
  955. gene transcription
  956. genebanks
  957. genera
  958. genes
  959. genetic code
  960. genetic differences
  961. genetic distance
  962. genetic divergence
  963. genetic drift
  964. genetic engineering
  965. genetic equilibrium
  966. genetic heterogeneity
  967. genetic inheritance
  968. genetic manipulation
  969. genetic maps
  970. genetic markers
  971. genetic parameters
  972. genetic phenomena
  973. genetic processes
  974. genetic resources
  975. genetic structures
  976. genetic techniques
  977. genetic transcription
  978. genetic transduction
  979. genetic transformation
  980. genetic variation
  981. genetically engineered bacteria
  982. genetically modified bacteria
  983. genetically modified organisms
  984. genetics
  985. genets
  986. genomes
  987. genomic features
  988. genomics
  989. genotype environment interaction
  990. genotypes
  991. genus
  992. geographic information systems
  993. geographical regions
  994. geomatics
  995. geostationary satellite
  996. geriatrics
  997. gerontology
  998. giant fennel
  999. giant fir
  1000. giant reed

Knowledge Synergy Inc.