
AGROVOC topic map

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"EN" term list ( 40001-40819 / 40819 terms )
  1. proteins
  2. protista
  3. protocols
  4. protoctista
  5. protoplasm
  6. protoplasts
  7. provenance trials
  8. proviruses
  9. proximate composition
  10. pseudogenes
  11. psychological factors
  12. public bodies
  13. public finance
  14. public health
  15. public opinion
  16. public relations
  17. public research
  18. public utilities
  19. public-private cooperation
  20. puero
  21. pulasan
  22. pulmonary diseases
  23. puncture vine
  24. puncturevine
  25. pungapung
  26. purchasing
  27. purple witchweed
  28. purple yam
  29. purslane
  30. pusley
  31. quality assurance
  32. quality controls
  33. quality labels
  34. quality of life
  35. quantitative trait loci
  36. queenlessness
  37. questionnaires
  38. quinacrine
  39. quinine
  40. raccoons
  41. racemes
  42. racoons
  43. radar satellite
  44. radiation biology
  45. radioactive decontamination (soil)
  46. radish (plant)
  47. rafflesiaceae
  48. rain water management
  49. raintree
  50. rambai
  51. rambutan (plant)
  52. rape (plant)
  53. rations
  54. ravens
  55. raw materials
  56. razorbills
  57. reactive oxygen species
  58. rearing systems
  59. recessive genes
  60. reclamation
  61. recognition of species
  62. recombination
  63. reconstruction
  64. recreation
  65. recreational areas
  66. red fescue
  67. red imported fire ant
  68. red maple
  69. red oats
  70. reduction of pollution
  71. reed grass
  72. refrigerators
  73. regeneration felling
  74. regional organizations
  75. registration
  76. rehabilitation
  77. reindeer husbandry
  78. relationship scheme
  79. relative humidity
  80. religious organizations
  81. remedial action (pollution)
  82. renewable bioresources
  83. renewable energy
  84. rennet substitutes
  85. rent
  86. repayment
  87. repayment of debts
  88. replication
  89. replication origin
  90. reproduction
  91. reproduction control
  92. reproductive rights
  93. reproductive techniques
  94. requirements
  95. rescue grass
  96. research
  97. research and development
  98. research associations
  99. research financing
  100. research funding
  101. research networks
  102. research organizations
  103. research programmes
  104. research projects
  105. research subsidies
  106. research support
  107. residual effects
  108. residues
  109. resin canals
  110. resource management
  111. resources
  112. respiratory quotient
  113. responsible fisheries
  114. restaurants
  115. retail
  116. rheology
  117. rhizobacteria
  118. ribosomal RNA
  119. ribwort plantain
  120. rice (plant)
  121. rice cake
  122. rice moth
  123. rice weevil
  124. ridged gourd
  125. right to property
  126. rights (legal)
  127. rights based approaches
  128. rights-based approaches
  129. rill erosion
  130. rip sawing
  131. risk
  132. risk assessment
  133. risk factors
  134. risk management
  135. rock
  136. rock maple
  137. rock mechanics
  138. root knot nematodes
  139. root tumors
  140. root tumours
  141. ropes
  142. rose apple
  143. rotifers
  144. rowans
  145. rumen fluid
  146. rural conditions
  147. rural development strategies
  148. rural disabled
  149. rural economics
  150. rural finance
  151. rural radio
  152. rural workers' organizations
  153. rural youth
  154. rust fungi
  155. rusty grain beetle
  156. ryegrass (lolium)
  157. sables
  158. sacred lotus
  159. safety
  160. safety at sea
  161. safety nets
  162. safflower (plant)
  163. sago palms
  164. salt requirements
  165. sand strawberry
  166. sandal bead (tree)
  167. sandalwood (tree)
  168. sapodilla
  169. sapstain
  170. sarcoptic mange
  171. sarson
  172. sarvisberry
  173. saskatoon (plant)
  174. satellite observation
  175. saururaceae
  176. savings groups
  177. saw milling
  178. sawing
  179. sawmilling
  180. sawtoothed grain beetle
  181. saxifragales
  182. saxifrages
  183. scapula
  184. scholarship
  185. school gardening
  186. sciences
  187. scientific associations
  188. scientific research
  189. scientific societies
  190. scientists
  191. scitamineae
  192. scorpion orchids
  193. scorpionweeds
  194. screening
  195. screw conveyers
  196. sea anemones
  197. sea birds
  198. sea level
  199. sea urchins
  200. seabirds
  201. seahorses
  202. seasons
  203. secoiridoids
  204. secondary succession
  205. secretariats
  206. sedges
  207. sedimentation
  208. seed collecting
  209. seed collection
  210. seed collections
  211. seed conditioning
  212. seed dispersal
  213. seed gathering
  214. seed matriconditioning
  215. seed osmopriming
  216. seed plants
  217. seed storage proteins
  218. seed trees
  219. seeding (sugar)
  220. seedlessness
  221. seedling age
  222. seedling rates
  223. seedpods
  224. segregation
  225. seismic sea waves
  226. selection forests
  227. selection index
  228. selection responses
  229. self help
  230. self managing organizations
  231. self regulatory organizations
  232. self-help groups
  233. selling
  234. semantic standard
  235. semantic web
  236. semen diluents
  237. semiarid soils
  238. semihumid climate
  239. seminars
  240. semiprivate organizations
  241. sensation
  242. sericulture
  243. serology
  244. service tree
  245. serviceberry
  246. sesame podworm
  247. sex
  248. sex chromosomes
  249. sex control
  250. sex determination (identification)
  251. sex determination (physiology)
  252. sex diagnosis
  253. sex ratio
  254. sex-disaggregated data
  255. sexing
  256. shadberry
  257. shadblow
  258. shadbush
  259. shadwood
  260. shaker conveyers
  261. shea (tree)
  262. sheep ked
  263. sheep's fescue
  264. ship routing
  265. shipment
  266. shisham
  267. shivering
  268. shock absorbers
  269. shoot apices
  270. shredding
  271. sickness benefits
  272. side effects
  273. sieves
  274. signals
  275. silicones
  276. silk farming
  277. silk production
  278. silting
  279. silver carp
  280. silver fir
  281. silver maple
  282. silvicultural systems
  283. silviculture
  284. silvopastoral systems
  285. simple sequence repeats
  286. single strain starters
  287. sinigrin
  288. sissoo
  289. site
  290. site factors
  291. site rehabilitation
  292. sites
  293. skidders
  294. skill training
  295. skipjack tuna
  296. skuas
  297. slash
  298. slash burning
  299. slash disposal
  300. slashing
  301. slums
  302. small and medium enterprises
  303. small enterprise development
  304. small enterprises
  305. small farmers
  306. small farms
  307. small fruit flies
  308. small intestine
  309. small ruminants
  310. small scale farming
  311. small-leaved lime tree
  312. small-scale fisheries
  313. small-scale fishing
  314. smallholders
  315. smooth brome
  316. smut fungi
  317. snails
  318. snapdragons
  319. snow cover
  320. social behaviour
  321. social conditions
  322. social phenomena
  323. social structure
  324. social systems
  325. social welfare
  326. social welfare organizations
  327. social workers
  328. socialism
  329. sociocultural environment
  330. sociocultural systems
  331. socioeconomic development
  332. socioeconomic environment
  333. socioeconomic organization
  334. sociologists
  335. sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE
  336. soft maple
  337. software development
  338. soil air
  339. soil amendments
  340. soil chemicophysical properties
  341. soil chemistry
  342. soil compaction
  343. soil erosion models
  344. soil fertility
  345. soil genesis
  346. soil morphological features
  347. soil movement
  348. soil organic matter
  349. soil organisms
  350. soil parent materials
  351. soil reclamation
  352. soil rehabilitation
  353. soil seed banks
  354. soil sequences
  355. soil solution
  356. soil transport processes
  357. soil treatment
  358. soil types
  359. soil zonation
  360. soilborne organisms
  361. solid fuels
  362. solvents
  363. somatic mosaicism
  364. soncoya
  365. sons
  366. sour gum
  367. soursop
  368. sowing methods
  369. sown grasslands
  370. soybean cyst nematode
  371. spacing
  372. spatial database
  373. spawning grounds
  374. spear rot
  375. special interest groups
  376. species (taxa)
  377. species extinction
  378. specific pathogen free state
  379. speedwell
  380. spermatophyta
  381. spermatophytes
  382. spiders
  383. spinal cord diseases
  384. sponge gourd
  385. spore formation
  386. spore germination
  387. sport fishing
  388. sporulation
  389. spotted bur clover
  390. spruce
  391. squid culture
  392. stable flies
  393. stages
  394. stags
  395. stakeholders
  396. stamens
  397. standard ontology
  398. standard upper level ontology
  399. standard vocabulary
  400. star apple
  401. starfishes
  402. starter cultures
  403. starter rations
  404. state
  405. state forests
  406. state intervention
  407. statistical data
  408. statistics
  409. statutory authorities
  410. sterilization
  411. sterilizing
  412. steroids
  413. stevioside
  414. stickleback
  415. stilbestrol
  416. stimuli
  417. stochastic models
  418. stolbur phytoplasma
  419. stones
  420. stoneworts
  421. storage
  422. storage dips
  423. storage fungi
  424. storage proteins
  425. storing
  426. strategies
  427. stratosphere
  428. straw
  429. strawberry (plant)
  430. strawberry tree
  431. stray voltage effects
  432. street foods
  433. street markets
  434. street vendors
  435. stroke
  436. structures
  437. stubble
  438. students
  439. stumpage value
  440. stunning
  441. stylidiaceae
  442. styrene
  443. sub-committees
  444. subclass
  445. subfamily
  446. subject heading
  447. subjects
  448. subkingdom
  449. suborder
  450. subphylum
  451. subsistence
  452. subspecies
  453. substances
  454. subterranean storage
  455. sucking lice (anoplura)
  456. sucrose polyester
  457. suet
  458. suffocation
  459. sugar apple
  460. sugar maple (tree)
  461. sugar palms
  462. sumacs
  463. sunflower
  464. superdivision
  465. superfamily
  466. supergenes
  467. superkingdom
  468. superorder
  469. superovulated females
  470. superregnum
  471. supply balance
  472. support organizations
  473. surgical operations
  474. surra
  475. surveillance systems
  476. survey methods
  477. surveying
  478. surveys
  479. suspension systems
  480. sustainable forest management
  481. sustainable forestry
  482. sustainable land management
  483. sustainable livelihoods
  484. swamp cypress
  485. swarms
  486. sweating
  487. sweet acacia
  488. sweet bay
  489. sweet chestnut (tree)
  490. sweet clover
  491. sweet flag
  492. sweet gums
  493. sweet marjoram
  494. sweet pitted grass
  495. sweet potato (plant)
  496. sweet yam
  497. symptoms
  498. synchronized females
  499. synergism
  500. synthetic peptides
  501. synthetic polymers
  502. synthetic pyrethrins
  503. systems
  504. systems analysis
  505. tabletting
  506. tainghe
  507. taioba
  508. take out foods
  509. tall fescue
  510. tall oatgrass
  511. tamalan
  512. tamaricaceae
  513. tamarisk
  514. tangier pea
  515. tanks
  516. tannia
  517. tapir
  518. taramira
  519. taro (plant)
  520. tarragon
  521. tartary buckwheat
  522. task forces
  523. taxa
  524. taxonomy
  525. taxonomy (information management)
  526. tea (plant)
  527. teachers
  528. teachers' associations
  529. teaching materials
  530. technical properties
  531. technical societies
  532. techniques
  533. technological changes
  534. technology
  535. tectonics
  536. teenagers
  537. telecommunications
  538. telematics
  539. tenure
  540. tenure systems
  541. tepary beans
  542. teratogens
  543. term list
  544. terminology
  545. terns
  546. terraces
  547. terrestrial plants
  548. territories
  549. testing
  550. tests
  551. thaumatin
  552. thematic mapper
  553. therapeutic diets
  554. therapy
  555. thermal inversion
  556. thermogenesis
  557. thesaurus
  558. thesaurus building
  559. thread worms
  560. threadworms
  561. thylakoids
  562. tick clover
  563. tidal waves
  564. timber structure
  565. timber trees
  566. timberyards
  567. time
  568. time of sowing
  569. time of transplanting
  570. time study
  571. timing
  572. tissue distribution
  573. tissue extracts
  574. tissue proliferation
  575. tissues
  576. tobacco beetle
  577. toddy palm
  578. tolerable daily intake
  579. tomato (plant)
  580. tongue diseases
  581. toothpick weed
  582. topic map
  583. tormentil
  584. toxic substances
  585. toxicity
  586. traceability
  587. tracheophytes
  588. trade barriers
  589. trade cycles
  590. trade organizations
  591. traditional medicines
  592. traditional storage structure
  593. training
  594. training courses
  595. training programmes
  596. training strategies
  597. trans fatty acids
  598. transcription
  599. transfection
  600. transfer RNA
  601. transformation
  602. transgenes
  603. transgenesis
  604. transgenics
  605. transplanting stage
  606. transport
  607. transport of animals
  608. transport organizations
  609. transportation
  610. transposable elements
  611. transposons
  612. trapaceae
  613. trapping
  614. trapping baits
  615. treaties
  616. tree cotton
  617. tree peony
  618. tree surgery
  619. trees
  620. trematodes
  621. trench-mound system
  622. trends
  623. trinitrotoluene
  624. triple cropping system
  625. trituration
  626. tropical Africa
  627. tropical America
  628. tropical Asia
  629. tropical Oceania
  630. troposphere
  631. true bugs
  632. true cedar
  633. true flies
  634. truffles
  635. trusts
  636. trypanocidal drugs
  637. tsunamis
  638. tuberose
  639. tulip (tree)
  640. turgor
  641. turnip rooted chervil
  642. turnips
  643. two-winged flies
  644. typology
  645. ubiquinone
  646. udder washes
  647. ujamaa villages
  648. ulmaceae
  649. ultracentrifugation
  650. ultrasound
  651. ultrastructure
  652. umbels
  653. unemployed workers' organization
  654. unitizer cargo system
  655. units
  656. unloading
  657. uperization
  658. upper level ontology
  659. urban agriculture
  660. urban areas
  661. urban development
  662. urban farmers
  663. urban fishery
  664. urban forests
  665. urban horticulture
  666. urban planning
  667. urbanism
  668. uses
  669. valuation
  670. value systems
  671. vascular plants
  672. vasotocin
  673. vegetabilia
  674. vegetation
  675. vegetation index
  676. vegetative lag stage
  677. vegetative stage
  678. vegetative storage proteins
  679. vehicle systems
  680. velvetleaf
  681. vernal grass
  682. vertebrates
  683. vertical integration
  684. vertical transmission
  685. veterinarians
  686. veterinary hospitals
  687. veterinary services
  688. vicine
  689. videorecorders
  690. vinegar flies
  691. violaxanthin
  692. viral proteins
  693. viral replication
  694. virus replication
  695. viruses
  696. vital statistics
  697. vitellogenesis
  698. vocational rehabilitation
  699. volcanic eruptions
  700. voluntary organizations
  701. volunteer organizations
  702. walruses
  703. waste landfills
  704. wastes
  705. water
  706. water authorities
  707. water balance
  708. water chestnut
  709. water chlorination
  710. water circulation
  711. water deprivation
  712. water distribution systems
  713. water exploration
  714. water flow resistance
  715. water levels
  716. water management
  717. water milfoils
  718. water prospecting
  719. water purification
  720. water spinach
  721. water storage
  722. water supply
  723. water tanks
  724. water transport
  725. water user associations
  726. water user groups
  727. water vapour
  728. watermelon (plant)
  729. waterway transport
  730. wawa
  731. wax gourd (plant)
  732. wax palm
  733. weather control
  734. weed control methods
  735. weed management
  736. weeping myall
  737. weight gain
  738. weight loss diet
  739. weight reduction
  740. weight reduction diet
  741. welfare
  742. wet cultivation
  743. wet seeding
  744. whales
  745. wheat grass
  746. wheatgrass (agropyron)
  747. white fir
  748. white guinea yam
  749. white jute
  750. white maple
  751. white mustard
  752. white sandalwood
  753. white sapote
  754. white walnut
  755. whitebeams
  756. wild cherry
  757. wild plum
  758. wild service tree
  759. wild strawberry
  760. wild turmeric
  761. wildlife management
  762. windfalls
  763. wineberry
  764. winemaking equipment
  765. winged bean
  766. wire ropes
  767. witches broom
  768. witches' broom
  769. witchweed
  770. wolves
  771. women
  772. women farmers
  773. women's institutes
  774. women's organizations
  775. women's participation
  776. wood anatomy
  777. wood defects
  778. wood macrostructure
  779. wood microstructure
  780. wood preservation
  781. wood preservatives
  782. woodland strawberry
  783. woodworking
  784. woolly foxglove
  785. work (physical activity)
  786. work capacity
  787. work organization
  788. work planning
  789. work study
  790. work teams
  791. workable days
  792. worker bees
  793. workers
  794. workers (bees)
  795. workers' unions
  796. working hours
  797. working time
  798. world
  799. wort
  800. yam beans
  801. yellow guinea yam
  802. yellow jessamine
  803. yellow lupin
  804. yellow witchweed
  805. yews
  806. yield forecasting
  807. yield gap
  808. yield losses
  809. ylang ylang (tree)
  810. yoco
  811. yokes
  812. youth
  813. youth organizations
  814. yuzu (citrus junos)
  815. zeaxanthin
  816. zedoary
  817. zingiber
  818. zona pellucida
  819. àzo dyes

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